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Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

UN human rights chief to meet GL Peiris, Human Rights Minister

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UN Human Rights High Commissioner Navi Pillay is scheduled to meet Foreign Affairs Minister Professor G. L. Peiris and civil society representatives today, local media reported.
Human Rights Commissioner attorney-at-law Prathibha Mahanama- Hewa speaking to a local radio station said the  UN rights Chief would be meeting staff and members at the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka today.
He said Human Rights Commission staff would speak to Ms Pillay on the current progress of Human Rights programmes and the human rights action plan.
Reports also suggest that the High Commissioner is cheduled to hold discussions today with Plantation Industries Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe assigned to serve on Human Rights affairs.   

Orginal News:

Human Rights, Faith-Based Groups Urge Napolitano to Take Action for Refugees before Leaving Office

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As Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano prepares to leave her position next month, numerous faith-based and human rights organizations are calling on her to finally resolve a problem that has caused uncertainty and pain for many refugees.

Thousands of refugees remain stuck in legal limbo by immigration law definitions of “terrorism” that are widely acknowledged to be harming the very refugees the United States has committed to protect. Two years ago, the administration pledged to “significantly reduce” the number of cases that were on hold by the end of fiscal year 2012, but so far this hasn’t happened. Secretary Napolitano has the ability to change this by taking several steps before she leaves her post, including signing additional group exemptions – many of which have been under consideration for months or even years.

Human Rights First and 57 leading faith-based, humanitarian, and refugee-serving organizations, as well as prominent law professors, recently sent a letter to Secretary Napolitano urging her finally to clear this unfinished work from her desk before she leaves her position.  “The principles of fairness and family unity should be applied to these refugees and asylees, who were admitted to this country legally and have been waiting for as long as ten years to obtain permanent resident status with their spouses and children,” the letter stated.

The signatories urged Secretary Napolitano to use the authority given to her by Congress to once and for all fix this problem for the thousands of refugees and asylees who have been mislabeled as “terrorists.” As detailed in two reports issued by Human Rights First, overbroad definitions and interpretations of the terms “terrorist organization” and “terrorist activity” in U.S. immigration law have ensnared people with no real connection to terrorism.


UN defends Zim on human rights

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President Robert Mugabe is holding firmly on to the presidency after 33 years in power.
Harare, Zimbabwe - The largest global tourism summit organized by the United Nations ends with officials defending Zimbabwe's role as co-host after years of abuses of human and democratic rights in the southern African nation.

The 180-member United Nations World Tourism Organization said Thursday it re-elected Taleb Rifai of Jordan for a second four-year term as its secretary general at the end of the summit in the Zambian town of Livingstone, across the border from Zimbabwe's Victoria Falls resort. 

Rifai earlier brushed aside criticism the six-day meeting gave legitimacy to President Robert Mugabe's government in the aftermath of disputed presidential elections on July 31. 

He said the summit gave Zimbabweans optimism and was not an opportunity to discuss what he called “grand issues.” 

Tranlate ----

PBB membela Zim tentang hak asasi manusia

Harare, Zimbabwe - KTT pariwisata global terbesar yang diselenggarakan oleh PBB berakhir dengan pejabat membela peran Zimbabwe sebagai co-host setelah bertahun-tahun pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan demokrasi di negara Afrika selatan.

180-anggota PBB World Tourism Organization Kamis mengatakan, pihaknya terpilih kembali Taleb Rifai Yordania untuk jangka empat tahun kedua sebagai sekretaris jenderal pada akhir dari KTT di kota Zambia Livingstone, di seberang perbatasan Zimbabwe Victoria Falls resor.

Rifai sebelumnya menepis kritik pertemuan enam hari memberi legitimasi kepada pemerintah Presiden Robert Mugabe sebagai akibat dari pemilihan presiden yang dipersengketakan pada 31 Juli.

Dia mengatakan KTT memberi Zimbabwe optimisme dan bukan merupakan kesempatan untuk mendiskusikan apa yang ia sebut "masalah besar.

Victor Yeimo: KNPB Mendukung Kedatangan Freedom Flotilla

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Victor Yeimo dan Bucthar Tabuni/PhotoTweko
Jayapura,-- Komite Nasional Papua Barat (KNPB) menyampaikan sikap resmi mereka terkait warga pribumi dan aktivis Australia yang dikabarkan sedang menuju ke Papua New Guinea (PNG) dan Papua menggunakan  tiga buah kapal konvoi, Freedom Flotilla. 

Seperti yang di kutip berita  Majalah Selangkah, Kamis, (29/08/13) di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LP) Abepura Papua, ketua KNPB, Victor Yeimo mengatakan, KNPB sebagai media rakyat Papua tetap mendukung upaya sesama warga pribumi Melanesia dan aktivis Australia yang memberikan perhatian atas masalah orang Melanesia di Papua. 

"KNPB adalah media rakyat Papua Barat. KNPB memediasi kepentingan bangsa pribumi Papua Barat, ras melanesaia di Pasific Selatan. Jadi, KNPB sebagai media mendukung perjalanan para aktivis di Australia yang memberikan perhatian pada masalah di Papua," kata Victor. 

Ia menjelaskan, "Sesuatu yang baik untuk rakyat Papua tetap kami dukung. Perjalanan ini adalah bentuk simpati warga pribumi Australia dan para aktivis HAM dan lingkungan di sana atas persoalan di Papua," katanya. 

Ia menjelaskan, KNPB melihat perjalanan ini sebagai bentuk solidaritas sesama warga pribumi untuk melihat kembali bagaimana hubungan-hubungan orang Melanesia di masa lalu. "Ini adalah kunjungan sesama warga pribumi Melanesia," katanya. 

Sampai Kapan Bangsa-Bangsa Melanesia Jadi Budak?

Kedatangan para aktivis ini, tentu bukan tanpa tantangan. Pemerintah Indonesia dan PNG memberikan reaksi keras. Tidak hanya Indonesia dan PNG, Pemerintah Australia juga, atas desakan Indonesia menyatakan tidak bertanggung jawab. 

Diberitakan, Menteri Koordinator Politik Hukum dan Keamanan (Menkoplhukam) Djoko Suyanto mengingatkan kelompok aktivis Australia untuk tidak memasuki perairan Papua. Djoko Suyanto telah menginstruksikan TNI-AL dan TNI-AU melalui Panglima TNI untuk mengantisipasi kedatangan kapal Australia yang membawa  sekelompok aktivis Australia dan Papua Barat. 

"Mereka juga tidak memiliki visa untuk melintas wilayah Indonesia. TNI-AL dan TNI-AU sudah siaga untuk mengantisipasi perjalanan mereka," kata Djoko seperti dikutip Vivanews, Senin 19 Agustus 2013.

Sementara, seperti dikutip media PNG, PM Peter O'Neill unclear mengatakan, menolak kapal Freedom Flotilla untuk masuk ke wilayahnya, PNG. 

Lalu, Pemerintah Australia menyatakan tidak bertanggung jawab jika puluhan aktivis Australia yang ikut pelayaran Freedom Flotilla ke Papua, ditangkap pihak keamanan Indonesia dan Papua Nugini. Menteri Luar Negeri Australia, Bob Carr menegaskan, Australia tidak bisa mengintervensi hukum di Indonesia dan Papua Nugini jika warga negara lain melanggar hukum dan imigrasi kedua negara itu.

Atas larangan itu, Ketua KNPB Victor Yeimo mengatakan, pihaknya prihatin dengan pelarangan dan rencana penghadangan itu. "KNPB sebagai media rakyat Papua prihatin dengan reaksi keras dari pemerintah Indonesia dan PNG atas kedatangan para aktivis Australia ini. Mereka tidak punya kapasitas memerdekakan Papua tetapi Indonesia dan PNG telah bereaksi keras," katanya. 

Kata Victor, pihaknya kecewa dengan komentar PM PNG yang juga merupakan sesama orang Melanesia. KNPB menilai PM PNG lebih mementingkan hubungan kerja sama ekonimi dibandingkan menghargai satuan bangsa-bangsa Melanesia untuk kekuatan di masa depan.  

"Kami kecewa atas komentar PM PNG. Mestinya, ia justru hormati solidaritas sesama Melanesia, dalam hal ini sesepu Aborigin yang bersimpati atas apa yang dialami oleh saudaranya di Papua Barat," tuturnya siang tadi. 

"PNG adalah saudara dekat kita sebagai bangsa-bangsa Melanesia. Kami kecewa dengan larangan PM PNG. Sekali lagi, ini kunjungan saudara. Kalau tidak ada solidaritas Melanesia, sampai kapan bangsa-bangsa Melanesia akan menjadi budak dari negara-negara kawasan lain. Kapan kita pikirkan bersama tentang kepentingan kawasan, orang Melanesia di Pasific," kata ketua KNPB, Victor Yeimo. 

Victor juga menilai komentar PM Australia bertentangan dengan semangat demokrasi di sana. Juga, kata dia, mestinya pemerintah Australia menghormati keinginan dan hak-hak orang-orang pribumi di sana (Aborigin) untuk bersolider dengan orang Papua. 

Diketahui, kelompok yang menamakan diri Freedom Flotilla berlayar dari Cairns, Australia, Sabtu 17 Agustus 2013, waktu setempat, ke Papua. 

Selasa (20/8/13) mereka telah mencapai Cooktown di North Queensland, Perhentian terakhir di Australia di Thursday Island,  Queensland. Dikabarkan, di sana, mereka bertemu dengan petugas bea cukai dan melakukan konferensi pers. 

Selanjutnya, telah melanjutkan pelayaran ke Daru, Selatan Papua New Guinea. Dan, menurut informasi yang diterima redaksi,  para aktivis itu telah mendengar larangan hadangan militer Indonesia tetapi tetap akan berlayar hingga ke Papua.


West Papua solidarity – and Spanish mackerel – on the Freedom Flotilla

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The Freedom Flotilla is sailing from Australia to West Papua to protest abuses under Indonesian rule. Izzy Brown is aboard

Life aboard the Freedom Flotilla to West Papua has its fair share of trials and tribulations.

For such a diverse group of people to come together for a common cause is an amazing thing. With our different skills and knowledge, we bond every day on the water and in the wild winds; beneath our sails and around our camp fires and fish cook-ups, philosophies are shared within our common goal.

The waves we ride are reaching people and governments far away as we make our journey through treacherous coral reefs to tropical islands. Jacob Rumbiak, the West Papuan academic and political leader, uses his Papuan magic to wish for giant fish, and Spanish mackerel are caught in a matter of seconds.

Izzy Brown.
Izzy Brown: 'The waves we ride are reaching people and governments far away.' Photograph: Margret Gilchrist
Ironically, we are following the path once taken by Captain Cook. I look at the deserted shores and wonder about the people that once inhabited this land with spear and fire.

We have had many an interlude with tiger sharks and ever-present crocodiles but, all in all, morale is good.
As we travel the vast expansive beauty of the Great Barrier Reef from the confines of our boats, many of us with minimal sailing experience, and with minimal contact with the world, we are hearing of solidarity actions and the Free West Papua movement growing in all sorts of unlikely places.

Human rights violations need to be addressed – we have the wind on our side blowing us towards a future that sees freedom reach West Papua.

News in by. Interview by Marni Cordell - The Guardian


West Papuan political prisoners reject pardon deal

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Papua governor offered Selpius Bobii and other jailed activists pardon for renunciation of independence struggle

A West Papuan political prisoner serving three years in jail for treason was offered a pardon by the Indonesian government if he renounced the struggle for independence.

Selpius Bobii, who was jailed in 2011 after declaring independence from Indonesia, said Papuan governor Lukas Enembe visited his prison on 17 August and offered to let him and his fellow political prisoners out of jail if they stopped agitating for independence.

The long-time activist refused the deal.

Enembe confirmed to Guardian Australia that he met with Bobii and other political prisoners on what is Indonesia’s national day, but he declined to say whether an ultimatum was issued.

“I led the Independence Day flag ceremony and announced the pardon,” he told Guardian Australia. “But [in] the cells where the prisoners of treason cases were detained they yelled out, ‘Oi, no need, just get out, freedom for Papua, no negotiation’.”

The governor, who was accompanied by a military commander and a high-ranking police officer, urged Bobii and 24 other inmates serving time for politically motivated crimes at Jayapura’s Abepura prison to accept the Indonesian government’s authority over West Papua.

“I challenged them. I told them that my parents were victimised because they were talking about the independence of Papua. I said, please don't use those words that way. A lot of people have died because of it,” he said.
But Bobii told Guardian Australia that all but one of the political prisoners chose to stay in their cells rather than engage with the governor.

“Several political detainees … raised their voices from their cells to assert their protest against Enembe’s address,” he said. “Police officers, plain-clothed Indonesian military and prison officers quickly moved to deal with the few vocal detainees.”

Fellow political prisoner Filep Karma, who is serving 15 years for raising the banned “morning star” flag, told the governor from his cell: “It’s impossible for the people of Papua to unite with the people of Indonesia because the majority of Indonesians consider Papuans to be half-animal … Indonesians regard Papuans as similar to human monkeys.”

He added: “So many Papuans have become victims because of the Papuan struggle for freedom and we also are imprisoned for that same struggle.”

Bobii told Guardian Australia he passed a message through Enembe to the Indonesian president.

“We declared Papua to be a state and because of that we are here in prison. Tell President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono that the nation of Papua is ready to negotiate,” he said.

“Also tell him we, as Papuan political detainees, reject the giving of clemency in whatever form that may take.”
He said the governor’s request was “deeply hurtful for Papuans”.

“This really touches on some very deep old wounds for the people of Papua, who for more than 50 years have constantly struggled and their people been sacrificed again and again, losing thousands of their people killed by both overt and covert means in the long struggle for freedom,” he said.

“The governor is holding hands with the Indonesian military and police, not only to try and make a success of Jakarta’s project in Papua but also with the hidden intention of indirectly terrorising and intimidating those of the Papuan freedom movement. But his agenda, as he visited the Abepura prison, totally failed.”

Orginal News : The Guardian
Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Rakyat Papua Sambut Freedom Flotilla Dengan Bintang Kejora

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Ribuan  masyarakat Papua Barat, yang tergabung dalam West Papua Nasional Autority ( WPNA), Selasa (27/8/2013), menggelar aksi unjuk rasa sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap kedatangan tim aktivis HAM dan lingkungan (Freedom Flotilla), yang akan bertandang ke Papua dan Papua New Guinea, awal September 2013. 

Seperti yang di kutip Holandia News dari Kompas, 'Aksi long march yang berlangsung di dalam kota Manokwari itu, diwarnai dengan pembentangan ratusan bendera bintang kejora. Saat long march, massa juga membawa sejumlah spanduk dan membagikan selebaran sebagai bentuk dukung terhadap kedatangan kapal Freedom Flotilla ke pelabuhan Merauke, Papua, yang membawa aktivis kelompok Papua merdeka serta sejumlah jurnalis dari Australia.'

Long march massa ini menyusuri ruas jalan protokol dalam kota Manokwari dan finish di kantor Dewan Adat Papua di Jalan Pahlawan, Sanggeng. Dalam orasinya, mereka mengecam pemerintah Indonesia atas rencana penurunan pasukan guna menghalau kedatangan para aktivis lingkungan dan HAM tersebut. Mereka menilai, intimidasi tersebut sebagai bentuk pelanggaran HAM yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia terhadap upaya kemerdekaan tanah Papua.

Selain itu, mereka juga meminta kepada Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono untuk tidak menurunkan pasukan TNI dan Polri guna menghalangi aksi murni kemanusiaan yang dilakukan oleh para aktivis HAM tersebut.

Seperti diketahui "Aktivis HAM dari Australi dan Orang Papua akan menggunakan tiga Kapal Freedom Flotilla akan tiba di PNG dan Merauka di awal bulan sepertember 2013, sekalipun Merlu Australia Bob Carr, menuduh aktivis di Freedom Flotilla tidak di dukung dan menipu rakyat papua atas janji kemerdekaan. Namun salah satu aktivis menyatakan bahwa Misi ini adalah misi perdamaian atas konflik berkepanjangan rakyat papua.


Pemerintah Pusat Akan Tarik 32 Kewenangan Aceh

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Aceh Map
BANDA ACEH - Wakil Ketua Komisi A Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh (DPRA) mengatakan Pemerintah Aceh dan Pemerintah Pusat dalam waktu dekat akan kembali bertemu untuk membahas penyelesaian Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) tentang Kewenangan Aceh. Namun dalam draf RPP tersebut, terdapat 35 kewenangan pusat yang telah menjadi kewengan Aceh, akan kembali menjadi kewenangan pemerintah pusat.

"Ini yang sedang kami protes dan akan kami desak untuk tetap diberikan. Karena dalam perjanjian damai (MoU) Helsinki dan Pasal 7 UU No 11 tahun 2006 tentang Pemerintah Aceh disebutkan yang hanya menjadi kewenangan pusat hanya enam, dan selebihnya menjadi hak Aceh. Namun dalam draf itu ada 32 kewenangan Aceh yang ingin ditarik kembali menjadi kewenangan pemerintah pusat," kata Nurzahri kepada, Senin (26/8) di Gedung DPR Aceh.

Seperti yang di kutip HolandiaNews dari, Rencana penarikan sejummlah kewenangan Aceh tersebut, Nurzahri menjelaskan, telah disampaikan keberatan sebelumnya oleh Pemerintah Aceh kepada tim perumus draf RPP Aceh.

"Hampir seluruhnya kewenangan Aceh ditarik menjadi kewenangan pusat, seperti sektor pendidikan, perkebunan, pertanian,dan termasuk juga mengenai perpustakaan yang akan menjadi kewenangan pusat. Kami nilai ini terlalu mengada-ngada. Hal-hal yang kecil itu seharusnya tidak perlu dipermasalahkan lagi, dimana yang perlu dibahas dan diperdebatkan adalah kewenangan-kewenangan yang bersifat strategis," ujar Nurzahri.

Dalam pasal 8 UU Pemerintah Aceh, Nurzahri menjelaskan, memang dijelaskan beberapa hal kewenangan Aceh yang juga menjadi kewenangan pusat yakni yang berkaitan nasional. Namun menurutnya dalam pasal 7 juga telah dijelaskan kewenangan tersebut hanya sebatas norma dan prosedur.

"Kalau hanya sebatas standar norma dan prosedur kami memahami, seperti halnya pendidikan yang harus memenuhi standar nasional seluruh indonesia yang ditetapkan pemerintah pusat. Kalau hanya itu kami sepakat, jika Aceh harus memenuhi standar miminum itu. Namun dalam draf tersebut keseluruhnya seperti pengelolaan madrasah, sekolah, perguruan tinggi itu diatur oleh pusat," jelas Nurzahri. "Mungkin persoalan ini akan butuh waktu dan perdebatan yang panjang," tambahnya.

Selain itu yang sangat disayangkan, Nurzahri juga menambahkan, Pusat jgua menilai bahwa hanya pemerintah pusat yang  hanya bisa mengatur persoalan pertanahan, yang seharusnya juga dilimpahkan kewenangannya ke Pemerintah Aceh.

"Mereka berfikiran terlalu sempit. Pemerintah Aceh adalah bagian dari negara Republik Indonesia. Jika Aceh bagian dari Indonesia, maka sah-sah saja ada sebagian kewenangan pusat yang dikelola oleh Aceh. Jangan pusat menganggap Aceh bukan bagaian dari negara. Mengapa Disintegrasi (pemisahan wilayah dari suattu negara) itu ditimbulkan dari pusat, jika diterima Aceh maka ini akan mengancam keutuhan NKRI itu sendiri," imbuh politisi Partai Aceh ini.

Kewenangan Bagi Hasil Migas
Sementara itu mengenai Kewenangan Minyak dan Gas (Migas), Nurzahri menjelaskan, dari informasi yang diperolehnya, pemerintah pusat telah menyetujui pengelolaan Migas bersama di atas 12 hingga 200 mil.

"Namun yang masih menjadi persoalan adalah mengenai pembagian hasil. Pusat mnginginkan 70 persen dan Aceh 30 persen. Ini yang akan kami perjuangkan agar dibalik, yakni 70% ke Aceh dan 30% untuk pusat," ungkap Nurzahri.

"Draf RPP kewenangan dan RPP Migas yang ada saat ini, belum sesuai dengan keinginan rakyat Aceh dan masih jauh sesuai dengan perjainjian damai (MoU) Helsinki dan UU Pemerintah Aceh.
Editor: Turius Wenda
Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Issu Freedom Flotilla Pemerintah & TNI/Polri Diminta Jangan Berlebihan

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Julius Miagoni
Terkait rencana kapal Freedom Flotilla yang mengangkut sejumlah aktivis Papua Merdeka, yang hendak memasuki wilayah Papua,  mendapat perhatian dari DPRP. Lembaga representatif rakyat Papua itu meminta pemerintah untuk tidak mengambil tindakan yang berlebihan jika pada akhirnya Kapal itu memasuki perairan Indonesia.

Seperti yang dikutip berita Bintan Papua bahwa “Pemerintah jangan ambil tindakan berlebihan bila pada akhirnya mereka memasuki wilayah  Indonesia, karena hanya akan memperkeruh situasi,”ujar Sekretaris Komisi A DPR Papua Julius Miagoni, Senin 26 Agustus.

Sebaiknya, kata Julius,  pemerintah bersikap persuasif, dimana, sebelum kapal itu memasuki wilayah Indonesia, mengimbau agar jangan masuk jika tidak memiliki dokumen sesuai aturan yang berlaku di Indonesia. “Jangan terburu-buru dalam mengambil sikap, sebaiknya mengedepankan cara persuasif, kalau memang mereka tidak sesuai prosedur, mereka bisa dikembalikan ke negara asalnya,” tegas dia.   
Tindakan tegas tidak perlu dilakukan pemerintah terhadap Kapal Freedom Flotilla, sambungnya, karena mereka hanya aktivitas yang menyuarakan berbagai hal tentang Papua dan sama sekali bukan pasukan perang yang memiliki senjata. “Mereka kan hanya aktivis, bukan pasukan perang, jadi penedekatan yang dilakukan juga harus persuasif jangan malah membuat situasi keruh,”imbuhnya.

Julius juga meminta Kapal Freedom Flotilla yang mengangkut sejumlah aktivis peduli Papua, untuk mentaati peraturan di Indonesia. “Mereka boleh masuk Papua asal sesuai prosedur yang berlaku di Indonesia,” singkatnya.

Bahkan, tambahnya, sekalipun mereka adalah aktivis Papua Merdeka, harus tetap mematuhi aturan yang berlaku di Indonesia. “Sekalipun mereka adalah aktivis orang Papua yang menyuarakan Papua Merdeka, mereka harus taat dengan aturan di negara ini,” tukasnya.

Mengenai tudingan Kapolda Papua Irjen Pol Tito Karnavian bahwa Freedom Flotilla sengaja mencari popularitas dengan cara berlayar dari Australia menuju Papua, Julius Miagoni menampik hal itu. “Yang cari popularitas adalah orang per orang, mereka ini kan aktivis yang prihatin dengan kondisi Papua sehingga ingin menyuarakan hal itu,” pungkasnya.

Kapal Freedom Flotilla yang berisi aktivis Papua Merdeka dan suku Aborigin (Australia) yang peduli tentang Papua, saat ini dikabarkan sudah berlayar dari Australia menuju perairan PNG. Selanjutnya dari PNG mereka akan melanjutkan pelayaran ke Papua,  tepatnya dibagian selatan yakni Merauke. Dijadwalkan mereka akan tiba awal September mendatang mereka sudah tiba

GAM Mendapat Dukungan danri Dalam dan Luar Negeri

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Akhir Mei lalu perwakilan ASNLF Swedia mengirimkan delegasinya untuk hadir dalam sidang UPR (Universal Periodic Review) di kantor PBB urusan Hak Azasi Manusia (HAM). Kini, setelah beberapa minggu berselang, tanpa banyak diketahui publik, ketua presidium ASNLF Ariffadhillah, rupanya sedang berkunjung ke Jenewa, Swiss.

Dari informasi yang diperoleh, Ariffadhillah, Jum’at (22/6) melakukan kunjungan dan dialog dengan berbagai lembaga internasional di Jenewa sebagai tindak lanjut dari lobi ASNLF dalam rapat UPR di Jenewa bulan lalu. Dalam dialognya dengan perwakilan-perwakilan lembaga international tersebut, Ariffadhillah menyampaikan keyakinannya akan kerapuhan perdamaian di Aceh serta berusaha merintis dan memperkuat jaringan diplomasi ASNLF.

Arif, yang berdomisili di Jerman, menekankan kepada mereka bahwa keadaan politik di Aceh saat ini akan terus memanas akibat dari tidak adanya kebebasan berbicara dan mengungkap pendapat. Ia menjelaskan bahwa perbedaan pandangan politik cenderung tidak dapat diterima, terutama pandangan-pandangan yang membawa isu "penentuan nasib sendiri" yang malah dikategorikan sebagai "perusak perdamaian", "musuh bersama", "pengkhianat" ataupun kategori-kategori lain yang berkonotasi negatif, yang membuat sebagian masyarakat Aceh menjadi apatis.

ASNLF tentunya memiliki pandangan yang berseberangan. Seperti yang telah disebut sebelumnya, Arif memprediksikan suasana di Aceh semakin memanas, apalagi ditambah dengan tidak ada jaminannya keselamatan, khususnya bagi pihak oposisi, serta dengan terbengkalainya kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM semasa konflik dan sesudahnya.

"Saya yakin ini lebih disebabkan oleh tidak adanya jaminan keselamatan, bagi pihak-pihak yang akan menuntut keadilan. Perdamaian di Aceh tanpa keadilan. Situasi di Aceh masih sangat rentan dengan penipuan politik” tegas Arif melalui wawancara Skype langsung dari Jenewa, Swiss kepada Asnawi Ali yang tinggal di Swedia pekan lalu.

Apa kira-kira tujuan kunjungan Anda ke Jenewa?
Sebagaimana diketahui, Jenewa adalah salah satu kota di dunia yang penuh dengan berbagai kantor-kantor badan dunia. ASNLF yang diaktifkan kembali pada awal April 2012 sebagai wadah perjuangan bangsa Aceh untuk penentuan nasib sendiri perlu melakukan pendekatan dengan berbagai pihak di tingkat internasional. Setelah pengiriman delegasi pengamat dalam forum UPR (Universal Periodic Review) pada bulan Mei lalu, maka sekarang perlu tindakan-tindakan lanjutan.

Dengan pihak mana saja Anda melakukan pertemuan?
Saya pikir untuk tahap ini, saya tidak perlu mengungkapkannya secara eksplisit. Yang penting untuk kita ketahui bersama, bahwa pihak ASNLF sedang melakukan upaya-upaya pendekatan diplomatik dan politik dalam menanggapi perkembangan politik di Aceh saat ini.

ASNLF menyadari betul, bahwa masih sangat kuat keinginan rakyat Aceh untuk merdeka, sebagai ketua presidium saya bertanggung jawab untuk mencari terobosan-terobosan politis atau diplomatis di luar negeri untuk meraih cita-cita tersebut. Kalau aktifitas-aktifitas di Aceh tidak mungkin saya ungkapkan di sini, karena alasan keamanan dan keselamatan anggota kami.
Jadi sudah ada dukungan dari Aceh terhadap perjuangan ASNLF di luar negeri?

Tentu saja! Ide Aceh Merdeka berkembang luas dan masih terpahat dalam hati anak-anak bangsa baik di Aceh maupun di luar negeri. ASNLF tidak lain daripada penyambung aspirasi yang berkembang dalam masyarakat Aceh. Diakui atau tidak, di Aceh saat ini tidak ada ruang bicara kepada pihak-pihak yang bersikap oposisi terhadap penguasa. Jangankan membicarakan hal-hal mendasar seperti isu penentuan nasib sendiri, berseberangan pandangan politik internal biasa saja dapat berakhir dengan kehilangan nyawa.

Banyak pihak berpikir, bahwa perkara Aceh sudah selesai, tapi justru saat ini rakyat Aceh mulai sadar kembali atas berbagai manuver politik yang melenceng dari tujuan perjuangan menentukan nasib sendiri. Hak tersebut adalah hak dasar yang harus terjamin, sebelum seseorang dapat mengayunkan langkah berikutnya. Hak ini termaktub dalam hukum internasional, sayang hak ini di Aceh terabaikan begitu saja, bahkan sebagian memilih bersikap apatis.

Kelihatannya seperti ada program yang sedang dijalankan namun kurang terpublikasi dan tersembunyi?

Tidak ada yang disembunyikan, hanya saja belum tiba masa untuk menyampaikannya ke publik. Selepas dari acara sidang HAM di kantor PBB akhir Mei kami secara terus menerus melakukan komunikasi dengan berbagai pihak, seperti aktivis HAM ataupun penuntut kemerdekaan di belahan dunia. Anda tahu sendiri sistem internet saat ini, komunikasi dengan berbagai pihak tidak lagi menjadi halangan. Lihatlah bagaimana revolusi di berbagai belahan dunia lain yang dipicu lewat jaringan sosial internet.

Kami tidak ingin mengatakan yang berlebihan, tapi kami berusaha untuk memaparkan fakta. Disamping itu, rakyat Aceh sekarang sudah semakin cerdas untuk memahami situasi ataupun fenomena yang terjadi di Aceh. Boleh saja ada kesan pergerakan ASNLF di Aceh tertutup, tapi itu hanya untuk melindungi keselamatan jiwa aktivis dan masyarakat. Sejauh itu di luar negeri semua transparan. Wawancara ini misalnya, selanjutnya dapat kami informasikan bahwa pada bulan Agustus nanti kami akan ambil bagian dalam kegiatan pendidikan yang di selenggarakan oleh badan dunia. Informasi detail akan kami sampaikan di kemudian hari.

Apa harapan Anda?

Kami pihak ASNLF menghimbau dengat sangat agar semua pihak dapat memberi peluang kepada rakyat Aceh agar memperoleh dan menjalankan hak-hak azasi mereka tanpa rasa takut. Kebebasan berbicara adalah salah satunya serta hak fundamental yang lain seperti penentuan nasib sendiri kepada rakyat karena perdamaian tidak akan terwujud tanpa ada rasa keadilan.

Dikutip dari the globe jurnal. 


Blood And Tears Continue To Flow In Papua

1 komentar
By Selpius Bobii
SBY President RI
Last week the Indonesian President made a speech which touched on West Papua, but did not mention peaceful dialogue. Imprisoned West Papuan leader Selpius Bobii responds from Abepura State Prison

“We are constantly maintaining welfare and accelerated development approaches in that province [Papua] and are upholding the law and security”. These were the words of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at a speech given at a First Plenary Session of the Indonesian Legislative Assembly and Peoples Assembly on 16 August 2013. (You can read the whole speech here.)

The segment of SBY’s speech regarding Papua made it extremely clear that Indonesia has a totally fixed position regarding Papua, being that “Aceh and Papua are inseparable parts of the Republic of Indonesia”.
To defend Indonesia’s continued hold of Papua, SBY has insisted that three primary approaches be undertaken in Papua: welfare, legal and security approaches. SBY promises that Indonesia is in the process of planning a new "formula" for Special Autonomy will bring about advancements and dignity for Papua. This is what is being put forward by Indonesia as the goals for the draft regulations for governance in Papua known as Special Autonomy Plus.

However the Special Autonomy Plus Regulations have already been firmly rejected by the people of Papua.
Special Autonomy Plus will experience the same fate that the previous Special Autonomy package met, as it failed to protect and respect the basic rights of the people of Papua. Even the most basic right, the right to life of indigenous Papuans to the very land of their ancestors, was not protected by Indonesia under Special Autonomy.

SBY’s statement that Indonesia has “always shown respect for the human rights and for the distinctiveness of the culture of the Papuan community” is a public lie. The reality is that in order to guard the sovereignty and integrity of Indonesia since the 1960s, Papuans have been annihilated both directly and indirectly through a range of planned, systematic and measurable approaches by Indonesia. Must the world allow the people of Papua to be killed by Indonesia through its armed forces in order to guard the sovereignty and integrity of Indonesia?

Isn’t the killing or wiping out of the Papuan people a humanitarian evil that conflicts with the forces of  law and morality? Why do the United Nations (UN) and the other nations of the world allow the people of Papua to be killed so that other nations can prioritize working with Indonesia in a range of sectors?
To achieve Indonesia’s goals SBY is applying both legal and security approaches in the land of Papua. The application of the legal approach falls within the authority of the police. So accordingly they gag freedom of expression in public areas and arrest and arbitrarily imprison Papuan activists. That has been the practice of Indonesia until this time.

The security approach has been placed under the Indonesian military (TNI). Their role is to wipe out, to extinguish the movement for the liberation of Papua within the guise of guarding the sovereignty and integrity of Indonesia.  These two state forces have the full support of the national intelligence (BIN), the Armed Forces Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS), State Intelligence Coordinating Agency (BAKIN) and all the machinery of Indonesias various governance systems (including at executive, legislative and judiciary levels) and support of support groups faithful to Indonesia to bring about these ends in Papua.

In his speech SBY didn’t mention any possibility of trying to bring an end to the problems in Papua through dialogue between Jakarta and Papua.

Indonesia has continuously ignored pressure to enter into dialogue with Papua from a range of parties both within Indonesia and overseas. In fact, dialogue is now a dead end, after SBY froze that possibility by not including it in his state speech. SBY made one closing statement regarding Papua: “Don’t hurt the feelings of the nation of Indonesia, as we don’t hurt the feelings of other nations.”

But what about the feelings of the nation of Papua that have been so "hurt" beyond measure by the military and political invasion of Indonesia with the annexation of the sovereignty of the nation of Papua into Indonesia? What about the "feelings" of the nation of Papua that has continuously been so wounded in struggling to have its right to sovereign independence acknowledged by Indonesia, the United Nations and other countries of the world? What about the feelings of the nation of Papua that has had to sacrifice everything and the human souls that have become victims of this struggle?

The President needs to both question himself and correct himself. The nation of Papua has the very same rights to full independence as the nation of Indonesia. Indonesia should not hurt other nations so that it in turn Indonesia might not be hurt by other nations.

After gaining a better understanding of SBY’s speech on Papua, all parties that have sympathy  for Papua need to stop and ask the question: "Why is Indonesia still hardening its heart and refusing to consider the way of peaceful dialogue to find a dignified solution for the problems in Papua?" We also need to ask in light of the implications of SBY’s speech, what then are the next steps that those of us who care about Papua now need to take?

A few suggestions are offered below:

1) All parties need to carry out an overall evaluation of efforts that have been and are being made  to bring an end to the problems in West Papua. We need to unite and reflect together, then take on a position that will enable us to take the next steps forward together.

2) We need to upgrade our national and international actions to pressure Jakarta to bring an end to the problems in Papua through peaceful negotiations facilitated by a neutral third party.

3) All parties who care about the Papuan situation need to unite their ranks and urge the UN to:
i)  firmly apply tough sanctions against the as a UN member, due to its continual human rights violations and humanitarian evils in the land of Papua.
ii) pressure Indonesia be open to consultations with Papua facilitated by a neutral third party in a neutral location.

4) If Indonesia continues to disregard the urging of the international community and the UN, then the UN should act on its legal and moral responsibility to carry out a humanitarian and security intervention.
This is the path that the nations of the world and UN must take in order to uphold democracy, honesty, peace, justice and truth together and to provide protection and dignified respect for humans in Papua above all other interests.

That the blood and tears of the people of Papua continue to flow without ceasing is a fact. The blood and tears have flowed without ceasing from the time Papua was annexed into Indonesia until now and we well know the same will continue tomorrow. Blood and tears that are shed solely for the liberation of the nation of Papua from the colonial domination by Indonesia and its allies.

Once again let it be stressed that the people of West Papua are not struggling for and do not need those developments offered through Indonesias’s Special Autonomy packages. What the people of Papua need and struggle for is the liberation of the nation of Papua from the colonial domination of Indonesia and its allies.

More Orginal News:
Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

West Papua is Indonesia’s Palestine

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West Papua is becoming an international problem for the Indonesian government.
Papua Hiland
Tineke Rumkabu handed me a bright yellow piece of A4 paper, double-sided, and folded in half. The official looking invitation was to attend a gathering at the Biak Numfor police station on July 1, 2013. The event, the invitation stated, would include opportunities for Papuans to ask questions of the local Indonesian police and would conclude with prayers. The brightly colored paper looked innocent enough, but in the context of West Papua’s 50-year independence struggle, it was imbued with sinister undertones.

Resistance Leaders

Rumkabu knows, as does every politically aware West Papuan, that many indigenous independence leaders, who have risen up and commanded mass appeal since the Indonesian government took control of the western half of New Guinea in May 1963, have either been jailed or killed. 
The list reads like a who’s who of Papuan political leaders: Arnold Ap and Eddie Mofu, arrested for collecting and singing traditional Papuan songs and murdered by the Indonesian Special Forces in 1984; Thomas Wainggai, arrested in 1988 for organizing an independence rally and died in prison in 1996; Theys Hiyo Eluay, invited to dinner with the Indonesian military and then strangled to death; Kelly Kwalik, a Papuan guerrilla, killed by the US and Australian trained Detachment 88 anti-terrorist police troops in December 2009; and Mako Tabuni, shot dead by Detachment 88 in June 2012.

According to Papuans Behind Bars, a coalition of local and international advocacy groups, at the end of June, 57 West Papuan political prisoners were being detained. These are not violent separatists — every single one has been jailed for determined nonviolent agitation, despite the fact that the Indonesian constitution protects freedom of speech. The list of West Papuan political prisoners includes Filep Karma, jailed for 15 years for nonviolently raising the banned Papuan independence flag, The Morning Star, in 2004; Victor Yeimo, the head of the West Papua National Committee, in jail for organizing nonviolent demonstrations for a referendum on independence; and Forkorus Yaboisembut, the president of the National Federated Republic of West Papua, who was savagely beaten by police and then jailed for three and a half years after declaring independence from Indonesia at a peaceful rally.

Rumkabu, was under no illusions about why she was invited to the Biak Numfor police station. “I received this invitation because I organized a nonviolent demonstration, protesting killings and human rights violations by the Indonesian police and military in the highlands of West Papua,” she said. “They want to question me.”

The Biak Massacre

It was not the first time Rumkabu had been “questioned” by the Indonesian police. In the pre-dawn hours of July 6, 1998, Rumkabu made a pot of coffee and took newly baked cakes out to Papuan protesters who had been camping out at a water tower — a prominent land mark in the centre of Biak. The demonstrators had been brought together by the aforementioned public servant and independence leader, Filep Karma, who is now in jail.

After passing out cakes and serving coffee, Rumkabu stayed at the water tower chatting, singing and praying with the protesters. “We were empty handed,” she recalled. “We had no weapons. All we wanted was independence; to separate from Indonesia.”

Suharto, the former Indonesia dictator, had just been overthrown by tens of thousands of unarmed civilians in Jakarta. Democracy was in the air around the archipelago but, in West Papua, it was independence the people wanted, not reform. This was a view the Indonesian military were not prepared to tolerate. For days, troops had been gathering in Biak City. Indonesian navy warships – at least one of which was sold to Indonesia by the German Government – and C130 Hercules planes, the kind of aircraft the Australian government intends to donate to Indonesia, brought in heavily armed troops. Local troops were augmented with fresh soldiers from Hassanuddin Company and Pattimura from Ambon, two neighbouring provinces of West Papua. Local villagers from the surrounding hamlets were press ganged into militias and told to arm themselves with sharp implements. Captain Andrew Plunkett, a former intelligence officer who worked at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, called it “a dress rehearsal” for the militia-backed military-led bloodletting and destruction that occurred post-referendum in East Timor in 1999.

At approximately 4:30am on July 6, 1998, the troops opened fire. A week later, Edmund McWilliams, who at the time was a Political Counsellor in the US Embassy in Jakarta, visited Biak. He saw the bullet holes, chest high; pock marks over the water tower. It is not known how many died that day and in the days that followed. No independent investigation has ever taken place. The Indonesian government refuses to allow it and in turn, instead of prosecuting the perpetrators, it jailed the victims. But we know from the testimony of Rumkabu and others, and the work of West Papuan human rights defenders from Elsham, the Institute for the Study and Advocacy of Human Rights in West Papua, that it was a massacre.

The Dead and Dying

In the case of the Biak Massacre the killings did not end with the shooting at the water tower. Rumkabu describes how she was imprisoned by police in what can only be described as a rape camp. “I saw women abused and killed in the most horrific ways. A young girl was raped [and] then had her breasts cut off in front of me,” Rumkabu said. According to Elsham and witnesses, the dead and dying were thrown into trucks and taken to the wharf where they were loaded on to at least two waiting warships — the KRI Kapap and the KRI Telek Berau — an odious gift from the German government. 
Those still alive were killed, the bodies were mutilated, and then thrown overboard. In the days following July 6, corpses, many missing body parts, washed up on the beaches of Biak or were pulled out of the water by fishermen. Irene Dimara told me fisherman found her brother, Dance Korwa. “His penis had been cut off, he had no eyes, his teeth had been pulled out, and he had more than five stab wounds in his belly.”

Shooting nonviolent protesters dead at the tower is one thing, but the level of cruelty and intentionality involved in loading people on boats, killing them, mutilating their bodies and dumping them overboard takes this state crime to a whole new level. The fact this happened in a supposedly democratic Indonesia, several months after former Indonesian dictator President Suharto had been overthrown and a new democratic government installed, and the fact that what happened has been covered up since, compounds the Indonesian government’s complicity.

Fifteen years later, survivors, witnesses and their allies had come together to seek justice. Rumkabu was our star witness in a citizen tribunal held at Sydney University. Our goal is to marshal compelling evidence to reopen the case. As part of the proceedings, we had also smuggled an interview with Filep Karma, the man who organized the Biak protests in July 1998, out of an Indonesian jail. The Tribunal was streamed live to audiences around the world with parallel events in Jakarta, New York and London.

West Papua: A Growing International Problem

The meaning of Rumkabu’s simple artefact — the invitation on a piece of colored paper to meet Indonesian police, and the events that coalesced around it including the Citizens Tribunal — reveals much about violence and resistance in occupied West Papua. It illustrates five salient dynamics of the conflict.

Firstly, Indonesian state violence against Papuan civilians clamouring for independence is systemic and systematic.

Secondly, that violence is ongoing. The Indonesian security forces continue to carry out human rights violations with impunity. The July 6 Biak Massacre in 1998 was not the first time the Indonesian military opened fire on nonviolent Papuan civilians. It was not the last. In 2012 alone, Detachment 88 allegedly carried out 22 extra-judicial killings of members of the West Papua National Committee. Even as I wrote this article, news came in that five activists had been arrested in Jayapura, the capital.

Thirdly, while there are small numbers of armed guerrilla groups still active in the jungles and mountains, the overwhelming resistance by the Papuans constitutes an unarmed insurrection in the cities and towns. According to the Indonesian military’s own figures, the nonviolent movement numbers at least 16,000 fulltime activists, while the armed struggle has around 1,300 fulltime guerrillas with a handful of modern firearms and no heavy artillery.

Fourthly, Papuans are casting off fear. They are determined to be free. Rumkabu could have claimed political asylum when she was in Australia. But she did not. Rumkabu has returned back to Biak to insist that Papuans be treated humanely. Karma, an Amnesty International prisoner of conscience, continues to defy Indonesian rule even from within his jail cell.

Finally, as the Biak Citizens Tribunal in Sydney demonstrates, the struggle for justice and political freedom in West Papua is increasingly being internationalized. When the Biak Massacre occurred,  it took weeks for the story to get out — now it takes hours. Because of this kind of pressure, the Indonesian government recently agreed to let a delegation of foreign ministers from Papua New Guinea, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu visit West Papua.

A Dilemma for State

Mama Tin, as she is known by her friends, was not born when the Indonesian government took control of West Papua in 1963, nor was Filep Karma. The Papuans protested vigorously at the time, but their voices were silenced. 
The Indonesian government has had 50 years to persuade several generations that they are better off being part of Indonesia, but they have not succeeded. Poverty remains high in many places, health and educational services are non-existent, and the police and army are universally seen as an occupying force by ordinary Papuans. Now, a new generation is rising up. The fact they are doing so fearlessly and without arms is even more remarkable.

All this poses a dilemma for the Indonesian state. One way the state has handled this dilemma has been to deny media access to international journalists, while trying to reassure the international community that everything is fine. The only problem is maintaining control, which relies on repression and restricting press freedom of an increasingly restive and internationally connected citizenry. Yet if the Indonesian state eases its authoritarian control, they run the risk of losing control.

The state cannot have it both ways. Either they have nothing to hide and let the international press see what is happening in West Papua, or they admit they are an occupying army committing human rights violations to maintain an increasingly tenuous claim that their rule in West Papua is legitimate. Ultimately, the Indonesian government will need to enter into some kind of political settlement.

West Papua is Indonesia’s Palestine. Until people like Karma and Rumkabu have the opportunity to freely decide whether they want to remain with Indonesia or not, any claims by the Indonesian state that West Papua is a democracy will ring hollow.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observer’s editorial policy.

Image: Copyright © Shutterstock. All Rights Reserved

Indonesia Mengundang satu per Satu Pimpinan MSG ke Indonesia dan Papua

3 komentar
PM Kepulauan Solomon  dan SBY in Indonesia
"Indonesia berbohong dan  tidak menempati janjinya, untuk semua menteri-menteri  luar negeri kawasan pasifik yang tergabung dalam MSG untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia dan papua "Barat aktivis Papua  (WPNC) Rex Rumakiek"

Seperti di kutip dari Radio Newzeland "Seorang aktivisPapua Barat dalam WPNCL   mengatakan Indonesia berbohong dan tidak menghormati janjinya kepada para pemimpin Grup ujung tombak Melanesia bahwa akan mengundang semua merlu MSG untuk melihat situasi dan kondisi Politik dan HAM di Papua barat."

Sambung," Sekretaris Jenderal Koalisi Nasional Papua Barat untuk Pembebasan Rex Rumakiek mengatakan Indonesia kini mendikte pemimpin MSG apa yang harus mereka lakukan.

Dia juga mengatakan selama KTT MSG di Kaledonia Baru, disepakati bahwa semua menteri luar negeri mengunjungi Indonesia dan Papua Barat untuk melihat situasi sendiri.

Mr Rumakiek juga menunduh Indonesia mengundang para pemimpin MSG satu per satu merupakan suatu kebohongan dan kelicikan jakarta untuk mempengaruhi pimpinan MSG dengan tipuan dan kebohongan atas situasi ril di papua barat.

Lanjutnya Dia mengatakan Kepulauan Perdana Menteri Solomon adalah pemimpin MSG pertama yang mengunjungi Indonesia bulan ini.

Mr Rumakiek mengatakan berurusan dengan para pemimpin secara individual menimbulkan risiko penyuapan, dan itu taktik lain dengan Indonesia untuk membagi MSG dan memaksakan agendanya.*tw'

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

Diskriminasi Beragama Kristen di Tolak Kepala Lurah Terpilih Oleh Muslim

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Susan Jasmine Zulkifli Lurah Terpilih / phot Japost
Jakarta,-- Penolakan sebagian warga terhadap lurah perempuan dan beragama Protestan di Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan, dinilai sebagai bentuk intoleransi dan diskriminasi atas dasar jenis kelamin dan agama.

Kasus diskriminasi berlapis tersebut dianggap merupakan ujian kedua bagi pasangan Jokowi-Ahok dalam mengatasi persoalan intoleransi agama di Jakarta.

Sebelumnya, pada Februari 2013, kasus intoleransi di Tambora, Jakarta Barat, juga belum diatasi dengan baik.

“Jokowi-Ahok harus menegaskan posisinya bahwa tata kelola pemerintahan dijalankan berdasarkan Konstitusi RI dan peraturan perundang-undangan,” kata Ketua Setara Institute, Hendardi, Kamis (22/8).

Hendardi menjelaskan, setiap warga negara mempunyai hak yang sama untuk menduduki jabatan tertentu. Jika aspirasi intoleransi warga dipenuhi Jokowi, maka menurutnya, dipastikan virus intoleransi serupa akan menyebar ke berbagai wilayah.

Diberitakan, Pemprov DKI Jakarta akan mempertimbangkan permintaan warga Kelurahan Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan, soal penolakan kepemimpinan lurah non-Muslim, Susan Jasmine Zulkifli.

Lurah baru ini merupakan salah satu lurah yang lolos dalam lelang terbuka pemilihan lurah, beberapa waktu lalu, dan telah dilantik pada Juni lalu.

Seperti dirilis The Jakarta Post, Senin (19/8), beberapa warga Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan menuntut pemerintah DKI Jakarta untuk mengganti lurah mereka yang baru.

Alasan warga adalah karena lurah baru itu non-Muslim, sedangkan kecamatan yang dipimpinnya mayoritas adalah umat Muslim. Jadi adalah sebuah keanehan jika lurah non-Muslim akan menghadiri berbagai aktivitas keagamaan.

Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama juga mengalami penolakan, hanya karena ia berasal dari non-Muslim.
Foto: The Jakarta Post

INDONESIA : Civil Society Report on the Implementation of the Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR)

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(CCPR/C/IND/Q/1) - 108th
Session of the Human Rights Committee Geneva June 2013

I. Introduction
  1. This joint report is prepared by Indonesia’s NGO Coalition on International Human Rights Advocacy (HRWG) with Arus Pelangi, Ardhanary Institute, Wahid Institute, Kalyanamitra, ICJR, KRHN, CDS, PBHI, KPI, Elsam, Jakarta Legal Aid, AMAN, ILRC, Sejiwa, Imparsial, Women’
  2. Solidarity, ICRP, Gaya Nusantara and The Community Legal Aid Institute . This report is prepared with the support of the Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR Centre)
  3. Report for the situation of Papua, made by Franciscans International, TAPOL, KontraS, International Coalition for Papua and Asian Commission on Human 
Relevant Information on West Papua

Number 54-58 Report About West Papua Human Rights
54. Three Papuans during the 3rd Papuan Congress, namely Mr. Daniel Kadepa (30), Mr.Maks  euw (37) and Mr. Yakop Samonsabra (37) were killed by the security forces. The victims worked as security guards (PETAPA) at the event. Daniel Kadepa was hit by bullets in the back of his head and his chest; Maks Yeuw died as the result of two bullets hitting his chest and stomach; and Yacob Samonsabra’s was hit in the head by a bullet. All three bodies were found behind a nearby military base in Abepura (Korem Abepura).

55. According to the report of Human Rights in West Papua 2013, by the International Coalition for Human Rights and Peace for Papua, Indonesian security personnel were involved in the killing of Mr. Terjoli Weya (23) on the 1st of May 2012 during a protest organised by a pro independe nt organisation KNPB at Taman Imbi. On May 15, 2012, Melianus Kegepe (23) was shot by police special forces (Brimob) in a billiard bar at the Degeuwo 45 (Paniai regency) illegal gold panning site, reportedly as a result of an argument between four of his tribes men and the bar’s owner. On June 6, 2012, Elinus Yoman (27) was killed by members of military Battalion Yonif 756 Wimane Sili in Honelama village, West of Wamena, during a violent act of revenge. The retaliation happened after two members of Batta lion 756 had crashed into a child on a motor cycle at Honelama village, and one of them was stabbed to death and the other one was
injured. On June 4, 2012, Yesa Mirin (22), Fanuel Tablo (29) and Tanius Kalakmabin (20) were killed by the police force when the police forcefully dispersed a KNPB protest at Harapan village, near Sentani city. Yesa Mirin was hit and killed by a bullet to the lower back as he tried to escape from the approaching security forces. His family also reported that he had wounds all over his body, which appeared to have been caused by beatings after the arrest. Fanuel Tablo died on June 6, 2012, of blood loss due to a bullet wound to the back of his head. Tanius Kalakmabin reportedly died of his injuries at the Yowari public hospital in Sentani after having been shot.
56. On June 14, 2012, Musa Mako Tabuni (30), the vice chairman of the pro independence organization KNPB, was killed by police special forces in Waena, a suburban area of Jayapura, as he tried to run from the Special Forces, who were trying to arrest him. It was reported that Mako Tabuni repeatedly asked the officers to show him a warrant during the arrest. Witnesses reported that the Special Forces shot Mr. Tabuni in his right thigh as he tried to escape.

57. On November 4, 2012, the dead body of Paul Horis and heavily injured Klismon Woi were found on the FakFak river bank in FakFak regency. Klismon Woi died of his injuries two days later (November 6, 2012) in FakFak public hospital. The autopsy revealed that Paul Horis had died as the result of a big hole on the top of his head and a broken neck.

Klismon Woi was admitted with a ruptured spleen and severe bruises on the head, legs and ribs. Both activists were leading members of the KNPB pro independence organization. They had been riding a motorbike before the incident happened, which was found undamaged at the site of crime.

58. On December 16, 2012, Hubertus Mabel (30), the leader of the KNPB’s militant wing, was killed by the anti terrorist Special Forces Detachment 88 close to Habusa Village, near Wamena. At the end of December 2012, members of the Indonesian military reportedly shot at seven Papuan fishermen near Papan Island, in the Raja Ampat archipelago, killing La Tula (13), La Nuni (55), La Jake (30) and La Edi (20). Three other fishermen, La Amu (20), La Udin (30) and La Self (20), were seriously wounded by gunshots. The perpetrators then reportedly tried to get rid of the bodies of the four victims, which had been under water for almost a week when they were found. It is un clear why the men were .


The State Party should:

1) Reduce the number of military forces deployed in Papua and ensure the compliance by the security forces with Indonesia’s obligations under international human rights laws and standards
2) Develop independent and effective complaint mechanisms for victims concerning human rights violations by the security forces, which can ensure follow up, independent investigations and rosecutions of perpetrators and provide adequate remedies to victims
3) Ensure that the National Police applies effective oversight of the provincial police in Papua and ensure that residents of Papua can enjoy a high standard of law enforcement. For this, negligence and corruption within the police should be addressed with serious sanctions and criminal procedures where applicable.
See All
Full Report : CCPR-Centre PDF
Report All For State Indonesia : CCP-Report

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013

Andrew Smith MP: PEPERA 1969 satu Episode Paling Memalukan Dalam Seluruh Sejarah PBB

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Benny Wenda dan Andrew Smith MP
Inggris,--  Anggota Parlement Inggris Andrew Smith MP,  juga merupakan anggota pendiri IPWP mengatakan pada pembukaan kantor Panduan West Papua kampanye di Oxford Mei tahun ini dengan Alasan bahwa IPWP adalah momentum dan prinsip itu benar dan adil. yang dikutip dalam link 

Lanjutnya "The Act of Free Choice (1969) adalah salah satu episode paling memalukan dalam seluruh sejarah PBB. PBB tidak akan menjadi kenyataan untuk menyewa itu dan itu prinsip sampai rakyat Papua Barat diberikan kesempatan penuh dan adil untuk menggunakan hak mereka untuk menentukan nasib sendiri. "
Dalam debat terbaru dalam British House of Lords, Tuan Kilcloony mengatakan, "Ini (Papua Barat) tidak hanya tragedi tetapi, dalam konteks banyak tragedi di seluruh dunia ini, salah satu yang terburuk yang pernah saya temui" Dia menambahkan , "Kesunyian dunia pada tragedi Papua Barat menakjubkan. Badan-badan internasional dan PBB sendiri, dengan mengabaikan mereka tentang apa yang terjadi di Papua Barat, telah memalukan dalam sikap mereka. "

Benny Wenda lebih lanjut menyatakan, "setiap kali orang mengetahui kebenaran tentang Papua Barat dan Pepera mereka selalu terkejut. Dukungan datang segera setelah orang mengetahui. Kami akan terus lobi dan kampanye untuk membangun kehidupan politik dan dukungan akar rumput seluruh dunia dan menginformasikan orang-orang tentang Papua Barat.

 Orang-orang Papua Barat akan memiliki hak mereka untuk menentukan nasib sendiri

Nick Brown MP Bergabung Dengan IPWP

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Benny Wenda dan Nick Brown MP/Photo FWPC
London,-- Di musim panas inggris raya untuk Parlemen Inggris mencapai kesepakatan, Benny Wenda telah mengadakan serangkaian pertemuan dengan para politisi Inggris di Westminster.  Former Labour government chief whip Nick Brown MP (Buruh) telah menandatangani kontrak untuk bergabung dengan Parlemen Internasional untuk Papua Barat (IPWP) seperti yang dikutip berita di web IPWP.

Brown bergabung dengan meningkatnya jumlah politisi dari seluruh dunia yang bersatu untuk mendukung rakyat Papua Barat dalam panggilan mereka untuk menentukan nasib sendiri yang sah.

Lanjut Berbicara setelah Brown telah menandatangani Deklarasi bergabung IPWP untuk Papua Barat, Benny Wenda menyatakan "kami sangat senang bahwa Brown telah mendukung rakyat Papua Barat. Kita tahu posisi kita dan yakin bahwa ketika orang mempelajari sejarah dan mencari tahu tentang apa yang terjadi di Papua Barat maka mereka akan melihat bahwa orang-orang Papua Barat telah ditolak hak mereka untuk menentukan nasib sendiri yang sah.

Sambung lagi 'Dukungan politik semakin tumbuh "Dia menambahkan" Pembukaan kantor baru kami di Oxford dan di Den Haag, di Belanda, telah membuat lebih mudah untuk mengkoordinasikan upaya kami dan bekerja dengan politisi dan semua pendukung ".

Benny Wenda lebih lanjut menyatakan, "setiap kali orang mengetahui kebenaran tentang Papua Barat dan Pepera mereka selalu terkejut. Dukungan datang segera setelah orang mengetahui. Kami akan terus lobi dan kampanye untuk membangun kehidupan politik dan dukungan akar rumput seluruh dunia dan menginformasikan orang-orang tentang Papua Barat.

 Orang-orang Papua Barat akan memiliki hak mereka untuk menentukan nasib sendiri

Ketua KNPB: Jangan Sakiti Hati Rakyat Papua

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Ketua KNPB Victor Yeimo
Jayapura,-- Ketua Komite Nasional Papua Barat (KNPB), Victor Yeimo meminta kepada pemerintah Jakarta dan pemerintah Provinsi Papua untuk tidak menyakiti hati rakyat Papua. Dinilai, berbagai kebijakan dan komentar-komentar penguasa akhir-akhir ini membuat hati rakyat Papua terus tersakiti.  
"Kami, KNPB meminta dengan tegas kepada pemerintah di Jakarta dan kaki tangannya di Papua untuk jangan sakiti hati rakyat Papua. Sekali lagi, jangan sakiti hati rakyat Papua," kata Victor Yeimo yang dikutip dari, di Lembaga Pemasyaratan (LP) Abepura, Kamis, (22/08/13) siang tadi. 

Victor menilai, pernyataan-pernyataan Gubernur Papua, Lukas Enembe akhir-akhir ini membuat hati rakyat Papua yang telah disakiti negara sejak lama itu bertambah lagi.  
"Saya sudah bilang langsung kepada Gubernur Papua saat kunjungan ke sini pada 17 Agustus lalu untuk tidak sakiti  rakyat Papua dengan pernyataan aneh-aneh. Jangan bilang Papua tidak akan merdeka, karena itu membuat hati rakyat Papua sakit," tutur ketua KNPB itu.  

Kata dia, pernyataan-pernyataan dari Gubernur seperti 'Papua tidak akan merdekalah, keluarga saya sejak kecil bicara Papua merdeka tapi sekarang kita urus pembangunanlah, tudingan-tudingan pada media massalah, dan lainnya' itu membuat rakyat Papua tersakiti. "Jadi, saya minta, kalau mau menjalankan program Jakarta, jangan dengan sakiti rakyat," katanya tegas. 

"Ingat, orang Papua minta merdeka. Bukan kesejahteraan. Berdaulat secara politik itu jelas berbeda dengan masalah kesejahteraan. Itu dua hal yang berbeda. 
Perjuangan orang Papua untuk penentuan nasif sendiri  itu telah dimulai jauh sebelum saya lahir. Itu masalah sejarah," tutur Ketua KNPB, Victor Yeimo pada obrolan  bersama  tahanan politik Papua, Filep Karma, Selfius Bobii, dan beberapa lainnya
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